Rough geometry put together to test the spiders fang mechanism. Might be cool to have him drooling venom. The timing is a bit dodgy but should look good when its fixed.
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Monday, 29 March 2010
Character 2

Monday, 15 March 2010
Web test
Not much going on in this video but am just testing out spider web. Could probably do this a few ways but looks as though it works quite well.
First animation test I did for 3rd year production "Catalysis". Not perfect but decent for about an hours work. My spiders will have another 4 legs but the speed and basic movements are similar to how I want my characters to move.
Story development
The title "Atrax" is taken from the Latin name "Atrax Robustus". It is the name of the notoriously dangerous Sydney funnel-web spider. Along with the Northern tree funnel-web they are the only Australian funnel-web spiders to inflict lethal bites to humans. Known for their aggressive personalities and their deep, silk funnel shaped hideaways.
"Kingdom of Echelon" was the orginal title meaning, Kingdom of hierarchy. At this point the story was very basic and broad and I was concentrating on technologies speculated rise to claim its position over humans, thus, a reconstructed social hierarchy. However, focusing on the main character has resulted in a snappier title. Let me know what you think.
Sunday, 14 March 2010

Rough Animatic
Here is a very basic animatic. Could change the timing in a few places but now that I know how long this is as a whole Im going back to work more of the back story in. Theres alot of unconfirmed actions and improvised drawings until I figure a few things out. The part where he pushes the button on the aircraft/transport/thing is completely improvised just now as Im still figuring out a better way to seperate the characters. Any suggestions would be appreciated. No sound at the moment but its in the pipeline! (Excuse some of the sketchy drawings!)